Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The house that built me

So As some of you may know MM and I will be adding a little person to our family! YAY! Were so very excited! BUT my hormones are going CRAZY! Ahh So I thought I would blog about my latest cry baby session.

There is a song by Miranda Lambert called "The House That Built Me". It is a touching timeless song that makes me cry every single time I hear it! It expresses alot of the feelings I have towards a place called "Monster Acres". This was where home has been for me since I was born. It was the home that my Poohs Bear and grandmother built and lived in for 30 years! This was where we spent most holidays, and summer vacations. There isn't a single square foot of that place that doesn't hold some sort of memory for me. My hand prints are in almost every single slab of cement. Right out side the barn the cement has a dark black spot on it from where I blew up my Pooh's motorcycle... recruit 2 helped with that one. But Like I said every single area has some sort of precious memory. And I was reminded of all of them today while I listened to that song...

There are also a lot of sad memories there too. It was the place where my Poohs Bear passed away. And where my Grandmother got sick. Naturally after his passing the home and property was sold to another family, it just got to be too much for my grandmother to take care of by herself.

But still I look at that home that isn't filled with my families treasures, and miss the comfort those walls brought to my life. I miss pulling up to the front gate after a long car ride and being allowed to unbuckle for the ride up the lane to the house. It was like entering a magical kingdom! I also miss walking out to my Poohs Bears office and going to the "surprise box". I miss having all my family gathered around the country style kitchen talking and eating. I miss going out to the pasture and exploring with my brother (recruit 2). I miss leaving to go back to whatever part of the world I live in at the time, and honking the horn and waving while we drove down the lane and out of the gate. But most of all I miss my Poohs Bear, and it kills me to know that my little brothers and cousins wont know him in this life. Its hard because I always pictured him being at my graduation, wedding, and meeting his great grand baby! But just like sailing the house, things change.

I am so grateful for the Gospel because even though he isn't here any longer. I will meet him again! I am grateful for the house that built me. But really the house is just wood and nails. I am grateful for the people that built me. I was recently told that "I was losing my support system". But I want to publicly say that as long as I have my family, and the Gospel I am well supported. They are the beams, and the nails, and the foundation to the amazing house that built me!

Anyways thought I would share what is going on in my crazy pregnant Brain. Thanks for reading!
This is some of the Redwine Crew (minus a most of my family)

This is a picture of My sister and younger cousin at my bridal lunchon

This is a picture of my family at my wedding (doesn't my daddy look handsome!)

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this. I didn't know you had posted it. I agree, the people and the Gospel built you. And I am so honored to have been a hammer in your life! I love you!!!
